love beyond fear

light shining through trees

we are in times of expansion.

to the untrained eye, this may not be easily perceptible. but we are in revolutionary times. and oh what a time to be alive!

this pandemonium that's been the last couple of years has felt like it's been everlasting. time has slowed down but simultaneously has sped up and here we are, a couple years into orchestrated chaos and manufactured fear. on a massive scale.

all to distract from the evolution that is happening.

consciousness is rising.

yes, beloved. this is the awakening. and you are here for it. otherwise you wouldn't be on this page reading these words.

let it not be lost on you that what we are witnessing here is the fall of everything that was never rooted on solid ground. we are witnessing the decay of the old and expired, so that something new and fresh can take root.

within and without.

as we move through these expanding times, it is of utmost importance to hold a vibrational frequency that is Light, whole and integrated.

where fear is heightened, Love needs to be the grounding force. not that fluffy kind of lower case 'l' love, but truly transformative Love.

because Love is what will pull us through the depths and the seeming despair.

if we allow it.

when a person is in a continuous flight or flight response aka living in fear, this puts the nervous system in a state of un-ease which makes one susceptible to dis-ease. in this state of sustained fear, we aren't easily able to access our higher energy centers which support our evolution and expansion. and so we decay, while living.

the times we are in are ripe with distortions of the Truth and disinformation to keep Truth from spreading.

but oh it's spreading.

see. the beautiful thing about Truth is its eternal nature. it withstands the test of time.

the establishments that were built on lies and deceptions are crashing. the systems of enslavement. the matrix mind. the fake reality... all falling apart at the seams.

within and without.

if you're engaged with your personal Inner-G work, you are experiencing this rise of consciousness, first hand. you are transforming paradigms and your world is expanding. you feel this at a profound level. you know. you are remembering.


we are all moving through these Inner-G shifts, however, some are more aware and actively participating in this natural evolutionary process, while others are unaware, uninvolved or perhaps outright putting up a fight.


there are those entities who are anti this rise in consciousness, who are orchestrating fear, sowing separation & division, instilling chaos... these entities have always been visible for those who've had the eyes to see. their time is coming to an end. many have allowed themselves to be fooled by these wolves in sheep's clothing. and a good majority are still in that sunken place.

but this evolution isn't stopping for anyone.

more are becoming conscious and aware of the Truth and the Real-ity at hand:

if it's fear driven, it's anti-Divine, anti-nature, anti-evolutionary expansion.

if it's Love driven, it's pro-Divine, pro-nature, pro-evolutionary expansion.

how do you know which is which?


this is a free will multi-verse, and we are all given the right to choose where we are coming from, where we are moving from, where we are operating from.

fear will have you contracting, and existing from the realm of limitation, lack and scarcity. it’s troublesome, troubling and doesn’t feel good in body, mind; it distorts the expression of the Soul.

Love will have you expanding and existing from the realm of unboundedness. it’s Light, innerstands the wholeness of Life and accepts the nuances and complexities of being a Soul expressing through body.

Love is abundant and prosperous.

evolving people absolutely feel fear, but it doesn’t become a factor when allowing r-evolutionary shifts in consciousness to happen. they feel the fear, move through it, and expand.

that's the Love vibration.

are you tuning in?


