if you celebrate christmas, you’re celebrating a pagan holiday
if you celebrate christmas, you are celebrating a pagan holiday and uoeno it. uoeno stands for you don't even know, for those who didn’t know.
now. what you celebrate is your business. through and through. however, it is important to know the origins of anything you are partaking in and at the core of what is currently called christmas, are pagan rituals, and festivities—the feasting, the gift giving, the ‘santa claus’, decorating with holly, with wreaths and with evergreens, the mistletoes, the singing of carols door to door, etc, were all based on different pagan traditions.
(if you wish to do more research on these pagan celebrations, some key words are: saturnalia, the holly king, odin and his 8-legged horse called sleipner, wassailing— I’m sure you’ll find even more relevant information down this rabbit hole if you wish.)
yeshua ben yosef, the Christened, or Anointed One, who many may refer to as jesus even though that's not his real name, was not factually born on december 25th. this is fake news, and simply not truth.
the birth of yeshua was manipulated by the pushers of indoctrination to fall in line with their intended agenda, the smaller one to convert the pagans, and the larger one to gain power via control of the populous. religion as it were/is, for them is not a means to align with Divinity; for them religion was and still is a tool of domination and control. these pushers of a certain indoctrination, in order to achieve their agendas, had to move in a certain way, so that their agenda could be easily carried out.
in other words, for catholicism/christianity to really take hold within these pagan groups, the indoctrination pushers had to integrate it seamlessly, into the already existing traditions— and that meant distorting and manipulating the birth and story of the man named yeshua.
the pagans— notably the romans, celtics, druids, norse, etc, were strongly rooted in their traditions. one of the events many of these groups celebrated is an astrological event, known as the winter solstice, which in the northern hemisphere, where they were, falls on the 21st/22nd of december. pagan traditions at the core were/are earth based traditions and their calendars are based on the astrological movements of the luminaries (the sun and moon) and the planets. the winter solstice was/is the celebration of the change of the seasons and of the time when the physical sun is metaphorically rebirthed. it’s a time of renewal.
if you take apart the word solstice, the latin roots are sol, which means sun, and sistere, which means stand still. so the solstice signifies a point in time when the sun seems to stand still in the sky. this is an astrological phenomena, and I have included some photos below to further illuminate this point.
image sources: giuseppe petricca https://gmrphotographer.net/wordpress/shop/ and robert pölzl, https://astrofotos.at/Bildergallerie/Analemma-2012/
the figure above demonstrates the figure 8 loop movement the Sun makes across the sky over the course of the year. a photo is taken every day at the same time of day at the same exact location and the image that is created when all the photos are compiled, one on top of another, is called an analemma.
the analemma on the left lists the exact dates the photographer took each photo. you’ll see the sun at the top is labeled june 21st, marking the summer solstice, and the sun at the bottom, labeled december 21st, marking the winter solstice. these are all based on a northern hemisphere positionality.
during the the summer solstice, the sun is positioned furthest north of the equator, at the tropic of cancer. during the winter solstice, the sun is positioned furthest south of the equator, at the tropic of capricorn. at each solstice point, the sun seems to stop its movement for a period of a few days, neither moving away from nor closer to the equator. suspension.
this stopping of movement, this standstill was/is symbolized as a death.
as it relates to the winter solstice, the Sun stops its movement and comes to a standstill or death on december 21st, sustains this standstill for a period of 3 days, and then continues its motion on the 25th.
does this story sound familiar? does it not sound like the jesus story that’s been sold? where the he, the son, is killed, is buried in a cave, and rises again on the 3rd day?
the indoctrination pushers say jesus died and rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures, but it is actually the sun, the Light, which sustains life on earth, that dies, is buried (suspended) and rises again and the scriptures being fulfilled are astrological, because they happen with precision.
the pagan traditions were honoring the actual and metaphorical rebirth and renewal of the physical sun. they were celebrating the return of movement of the Light of the sun.
of course as time went on, the truth of these pagan origins were conveniently covered up. lies were told and the people were misled, often by force and violence at that. and the ones who were doing it, the indoctrination pushers, were doing so to fulfil their agenda of domination and control.
when you control the story, you control people's perception and when you control their perception, you control their minds. under mind control, you are not free.
we are in an era, where we need to free our minds, and we free our minds by destroying distortions and favoring truth. and the truth is christmas is not about the birth of a man so called jesus, who again doesn’t exist. yeshua ben yosef was not born on december 25th, and so at the very basis, christmas is not a christian tradition. it is very much pagan, and those pagan roots deserve recognition.
this dimension is supported by the Light of the sun, energetically and physically. without this Light, we would not be able to survive or let alone thrive. I feel the pagans were onto something here. this connection to the earth, this connection to what sustains life, this connection to the cycles of the luminaries and planets... this is a much deeper connection to the cosmos and to the universe than I think is recognized. we are of the earth and we move with the cycles of the earth and stars and planets. we are part of this whole cosmos.
the metaphor of receiving our own Light in this season is not lost on me. I feel it does align well with the teachings of yeshua, teachings that are timeless at that.
now most christians will probably have a hard time receiving this account because it completely renders useless a birth, death and resurrection story that is the basis of their religion. but it’s the indoctrination pushers you ought to really have a word with. because… why lie? why hide details? why cover up history? why destroy the purity of a simple message? why the distortions?
simply, the indoctrination pushers do not want you to awaken to your own Christhood.
because if you did, you wouldn’t need them meddling in your spirituality and connection to the Creator, the one and only Most High God.
another camp of folks will gloss over this account, saying it doesn’t matter the birth, christmas has turned into what it is today and they’ll continue celebrating. again, I stop no one from doing as they please.
it remains the case that we are always called to step into our own Light and to honor our Divinity and union with God, all day every day. this means illuminating falsehoods and awakening truth. this is a Christhood energy I am here to celebrate.
let it not be lost on you that being in your Christhood has nothing to do with worshipping yeshua ben yosef.
to be Christened means to be Anointed, and yeshua was that. you are invited to remember and reclaim this truth for yourself, now and always. and you don’t really need a designated celebration for it. you can remember it every moment you can and celebrate it in real time.
you are Divine. you are Annointed. you are Christ. you are Buddha. and you can step into enLightenment now.
featured blog image attributed to césar cantú / astrocolors